Monday, November 2, 2009

Commerce vs. TDBank

This is a very personal rant against my now-dead favorite bank. Commerce, which had the awesome and accurate motto: " American's most convenient bank". They had a wide open space in their bank, friendly atmosphere, and open on Sundays. All checking was free, with no charges for people under certainly 'daily minimum balances' etc. Well, they were a victim of their own success... and stupidity. They sold themselves, and their motto, to TDBank. I was pretty nervous about it from the onset, because I suspected that the people in charge of TDBank were NOT the revolutionary founders of Commerce. I'll miss you Commerce, but a part of me can't help but resent you for your lack of principles by selling your soul to the retards that run our economy. You were a bright spot in the sea of stupidity. You really were. A true capitalist business, which ironically most of our current "capitalist" have no understanding of.

TDBank thought it could walk in and steal Commerce's most novel ideas, like being open late on Saturdays, being open on Sundays, giving out free pens, and then run everything else like they normally did... They didn't understand that there was a certain spirit and attitude that Commerce Bank had towards their customers. They had a unique approach to the banking business, and I actually enjoyed going to the bank for the first time in a long time... I figured I would never need another bank. Well, no longer. TDBank, you suck. You are definitely no longer 'America's Most Convenient Bank', and I hope you go bankrupt, but with no government bailouts.

I love capitalism. I just wish banks practiced it... instead of charging me $25 for my business account all of a sudden. Bastards...

I'll pulling all my money out of TDBank. If anyone cares, and you have a TDBank account, I'm asking you to do the same. Find a local bank that has free checking, and put your money there.

That's all for my ranting...

Youngil Ely Loew