Saturday, September 27, 2008

Vote Obama

So I was doing some research on Presidential candidates last night, and what I found just blew my mind. John McCain has completely embarrassed the Republican Party, completely compromised his principles and has thrown common sense out the window. I'm so ashamed to be a member of the Republican Party. Sarah Palin is the political equivalent of a dumb blonde... there are only about three short videos you need to watch to understand how ridiculous this whole campaign is:
John Stewart catching Fox News with their pants down:
(this ones just funny, but not as relavent. It has both Stewart and Colbert, and a little of Family Guy :) : )
Here's a clip of Katie Couric ripping Sarah Palin's foreign policy experience. It also shows just how dumb Palin is:
God, that was painful to watch.
Lastly, I found this article very touching and bringing up a very relevant point. Something all conservatives should consider when casting their vote:
In closing, I want to say I've been reading Obama's book, and the guy is not as liberal as people make him out to be. He's very well educated, was raised on the streets of Indonesia, and quite balanced in his views of the world. He supports the idea of improving small business and strengtheing family values. I think he knows what he's doing, and he's not a push over when it comes to defending America. He also understands that America has to be involved in world affairs, and at times even police the world... something most liberals just can't comprehend. He's not one of those "we can't impose democracy on other people" idiots, because he realizes that given a choice, ALL people want to be invovled in the decision making process. All people want the freedom to be themselves and express themselves. It's human nature. So yeah, I was on the fence before, just because I felt he was a little too liberal for my liking, but McCain has proven himself to be a power hungry bastard. Thank you for your service, but you compromised too many of your principles... and Palin was obviously a purely political choice that was not well thought out.
Sorry, I'm too annoyed and embarassed to say anything else.
Youngil Ely Loew

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