Monday, November 10, 2008

Obama vs Bush

I'm happy that Obama won, but now that it's over, I'm a little nervous. The fact that he's a liberal still worries me a little. I'm not worried about Obama, but more liberalism in general gaining ground under his victory.

Obama ran an excellent campaign, and he will be a good President. Maybe even a great President. The only thing that bothers me so much about this election is the deep rooted hatred of Bush and conservatives that came up in this election. To be fair, McCain ran a sloppy campaign, and his biggest mistake was probably picking Sarah Palin for a running mate. His concession speech, however, was sincere and heartfelt, and truly reflected his character. He referred to Obama as "my President", and took the blame for losing the campaign. When he said "God Bless America" at the end of his speech, it was the first time I understood what it means. It's not an arrogant statement asking God to bless America more than its neighbors, but just an invitation for God to be a part of what we are... I sincerely believe, that despite our faults, America is the greatest nation on earth, and I hope we can stay that way. I think the reason for that is because we invite God to be a part of it. Let the non-religious say what they will.

I was in Europe when Bush was re-elected. People were shocked. They were sure that Kerry would win. Now they're cheering for Obama, and my only hope is that he's not as liberal as the world thinks he is. Europeans and American Liberals misunderstand the American people. Remember that nearly half of all voters still voted for McCain... Liberals often think that Republicans are only ignorant racist rednecks. Americans are still largely a conservative and religious nation. In eight years, we'll probably see a Republican in the White House again. Eight years after that, probably a Democrat (unless I can weasel my way into the office by then ;0 ).
In closing, I think Bush was a good president. Not the best, but not the worst. I've always supported his policies, and I stand by my belief that he's a sincere, honest, and all around good man, and every decision he made, he did his best. He made some mistakes, but not on the level people think he did... Until Janurary 20, he's still my President.
God Bless America.
Youngil Ely Loew

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